Concept : Ariel William Orah
Installation : Morgan Sully, Hany Tea, Ariel William Orah in collaboration with people of St Pölten
Made during residency at Tangente St Pölten, July 2023
is the title of sōydivision project during their residency stay in St. Pölten. The title is a portmanteau from two Indonesian words „Suara/Sound“ and „Rantau/Migration“. The project will focus on Socially Engaged (participatory) Sonic Art Creation, aim to provide a supportive environment for experimentation, pushing the boundaries of sonic art while addressing social themes and fostering dialogue.
The project delves into the depths of human experience by utilizing a novel approach: the deliberate deprivation of memories. Through this process, participants are encouraged to tap into the collective unconscious, unearthing shared narratives and emotions that shape our societies.
During the residency, sōdivision collaborate with a diverse group of individuals, engaging in intensive workshops and interdisciplinary exchanges. Through innovative sonic techniques, participants and the artists will co-create immersive audio installations, performances, and compositions that capture the essence of collective memory and shared stories. This project provides a supportive environment for experimentation, pushing the boundaries of sonic art that serve as catalysts for social change, raising awareness, challenging perspectives, and sparking meaningful conversations.
Concept : Ariel William Orah
Installation : Morgan Sully, Hany Tea, Ariel William Orah in collaboration with people of St Pölten
Made during residency at Tangente St Pölten, July 2023
is the title of sōydivision project during their residency stay in St. Pölten. The title is a portmanteau from two Indonesian words „Suara/Sound“ and „Rantau/Migration“. The project will focus on Socially Engaged (participatory) Sonic Art Creation, aim to provide a supportive environment for experimentation, pushing the boundaries of sonic art while addressing social themes and fostering dialogue.
The project delves into the depths of human experience by utilizing a novel approach: the deliberate deprivation of memories. Through this process, participants are encouraged to tap into the collective unconscious, unearthing shared narratives and emotions that shape our societies.
During the residency, sōdivision collaborate with a diverse group of individuals, engaging in intensive workshops and interdisciplinary exchanges. Through innovative sonic techniques, participants and the artists will co-create immersive audio installations, performances, and compositions that capture the essence of collective memory and shared stories. This project provides a supportive environment for experimentation, pushing the boundaries of sonic art that serve as catalysts for social change, raising awareness, challenging perspectives, and sparking meaningful conversations.
videos by Ariel Orah
Suarantau - eine Klangkunstausstellung über Erinnerungen
In dieser Ausstellung stehen Erinnerungen im Mittelpunkt. Hast du jemals ein Lied gehört, das eine ganz besondere Erinnerung in dir hervorruft? Eines, das dich in einen bestimmten Moment zurückwirft? Wir laden dich ein, ein paar Gedanken zu dieser Erinnerung festzuhalten. Wie würdest du diese Worte in ein Bild übersetzen? Welche Symbole, Formen und Farben kommen dir in den Sinn?
Die Ausstellung präsentiert eine Sammlung von Teilnehmer*innen im Rahmen des SUARANTAU-Workshops, geleitet vom Künstler*innenkollektivs Soydivision aus Berlin. In diesen Workshops haben wir uns mit sozialen und persönlichen Themen beschäftigt, bekannte und unbekannte Erzählungen und Gefühle erkundet und ihnen einen neuen Klang verliehen.
Stell dir vor, du betrachtest ein Bild, das aus diesen gesammelten Erinnerungen entstanden ist. Wie würde es klingen? Würde es eine Melodie, einen Rhythmus, ein Wort oder einen anderen Klang erzeugen? Lasse deiner Vorstellungskraft freien Lauf und tauche ein in diese Welt der Klänge und lasse dich von den Werken und Geschichten berühren, die durch die Zusammenarbeit von Soydivision und vielen anderen Teilnehmer*innen des SURANTAU-Workshops entstanden sind.
Ein partizipatives Projekt von Soydivision (Ariel William Orah, Hany Tea, Morgan Sully) mit:
Qualify for Hope
Tangente St. Pölten
Folgt unsere Klangreise doch auch auf Instagram @soydivision oder
Youtube Playlist: