Radio Drama (75 mins)
Culinary Performance (15mins)
By and with: Ariel Orah & Bilawa Respati (from soydivision)
Comisioned and premiered in Research and Waves “i cant hear you” at changing room Berlin.
Supported by Stiftungkunstfonds
In “DIANTARA”, Soydivision brought the story of Tama, who tries to find redemption to his crumbling relationship with the people surrounding him through making a Tumpeng. This cone-shaped rice culinary installation is often used in a blessing ritual/ceremony in Indonesia. With a format of a live radio drama musical, live music scoring will accompany the dialogues of the characters. During the performance, a Tumpeng will be prepared for the participant to taste at the end of the performance.
Radio Drama (75 mins)
Culinary Performance (15mins)
By and with: Ariel Orah & Bilawa Respati (from soydivision)
Comisioned and premiered in Research and Waves “i cant hear you” at changing room Berlin.
Supported by Stiftungkunstfonds
In “DIANTARA”, Soydivision brought the story of Tama, who tries to find redemption to his crumbling relationship with the people surrounding him through making a Tumpeng. This cone-shaped rice culinary installation is often used in a blessing ritual/ceremony in Indonesia. With a format of a live radio drama musical, live music scoring will accompany the dialogues of the characters. During the performance, a Tumpeng will be prepared for the participant to taste at the end of the performance.